Spinal Decompression in Willmar MN
Did you know that if you are suffering from Chronic or Severe Low Back Pain, Sciatica, Leg or Foot pain in Willmar MN that spinal decompression may help you?
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is a scientific discovery that is revolutionizing the treatment of chronic and severe back pain, leg pain or numbness, resulting from herniated discs, bulging discs, sciatica, stenosis, degeneration and arthrosis. There are no drugs or surgery involved. It is a medical breakthrough based on the theory of reversing the pressure that builds up in the disc, drawing back bulging and herniated disc material.

Spinal Decompression Works!
Although many people have not heard of non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, it has been used to treat chronic and severe back pain for two decades. The results have been amazing. It has been proven in countless clinics to be highly effective in the treatment of chronic and severe lower back / leg pain due to herniated and degenerated discs.

What Our Patients Have To Say
Karen's Testimonial
Patient Review
"I have suffered from lower back pain for several years. I have had MRIs, seen several chiropractors, and visited specialists. After my last MRI, I was told my discs were degenerated and I was not a candidate for any type of injection therapies nor for surgery. I essentially had to learn to live with the pain. A friend of my dad had success with the decompression therapy offered by Dr. Linden. I was given one of their testimonial forms and told to give it a try. I was very apprehensive but did the decompression therapy and it was the best thing I could have done! My routine visits with Dr. Linden are comprehensive to not only my lower back but my spinal system as a whole. Although my pain is not entirely gone, it has been so greatly reduced that I can go back to enjoying many of the activities I used to love to do!"
- Shelly
"When I came to Dr. Linden, I was in severe lower back pain and quite honestly hopeless. His approach was like no other I had experienced. Dr. Linden’s education on disc injury was apparent. When I began the decompression, I felt a big change in my spine after just a few appointments. I am so happy to say that I am surgery free and pain free. I continue to see Dr. Linden for my regular maintenance adjustments.
I am so thankful for Dr. Lindens knowledge and am happy to recommend him to anyone living in back pain and who may be feeling hopeless."
- Sadie
"Since I was 16, I’ve dealt with chronic back pain from years of sports and never addressed it. By the time I turned 26 a disc finally gave out making it impossible to carry my 1yr old daughter, it was time to do something. I visited other chiropractors in the area, but the pain wouldn’t go away. My medical doctor prescribed injections and physical therapy which provided minimal if any relief. Surgery looked to be the only option until I meet Doctor Linden. Day 1 he started decompression therapy paired with laser treatment. In a matter of weeks, I was feeling significantly better and in less than 6 months he had me back enjoying the activities I loved! Dr. Linden took a comprehensive approach to my health with expense in mind, never once did I feel pressured to come more often than Dr. Linden needed to see me. Since then, I have been making monthly visits the last 4 years knowing his chiropractic care will help me avoid such a life changing injury again. He and his team have helped me get my life back and keep it! I have recommended a number of friends and family members that have all achieved similar results. In my opinion Dr. Linden is the best in the area, the Willmar area is fortunate to have him!"
- Jaden
"I could hardly walk my back was so out of kilter. The pain was in my back and would go down my leg. I had tried chiropractic and physical therapy and it was not helping. Fortunately, I saw an ad in the paper and knew one of the patients featured. “I’ve got nothing to lose” I thought, so I made an appointment with Dr. Linden. He was able to help me using decompression therapy and laser treatments. Soon after, I was back to my old self. I am a farmer, and it was great to be climbing bins and doing everything I did before I started to hurt. I have referred others to Dr. Linden, and they have gotten help too."
- David
I have seen the same results in my clinic!
"Many patients have been able to avoid costly surgery (with less favorable outcomes and longer recovery) and spinal injections. Many patients have also been able to reduce or eliminate pain medications and their potentially dangerous side effects.
The best part of all is that spinal decompression therapy can produce long lasting results through stimulating the body's natural healing ability!"
"I was in so much pain, regular conventional treatments weren't helping. I discovered through and MRI that I had an extruding herniated disc. I am so glad Dr. Linden suggested decompression therapy. It's been 2 years now, and I am still feeling great! I am so grateful!"
"Hello, just a note to let you know I am doing very well. My right leg is pain free! My lower back is 90% pain free. Overall I am doing good!!! I am very busy at work. The kids are well. We are trying to keep up with the kids and all of their activities. Thank you so much for all the help and support you have given me. God Bless you all."
- W.T.
Actual Patient Case…”I had a woman present herself with pain in her buttocks that was radiation into her right leg. She rated her pain as 8 out of 10, (10 being the worst). She was sleeping in her recliner because lying down was painful. She also had difficulty walking due to pain. My patient previously had a steroid shot, but got little relief. Her disability index (Oswestry test) ranked at 68%.
After our spinal decompression therapy program my patient reported her pain as 0 out of 10! Her Oswestry test (disability) at only 10%!!!!”
- Dr. Thomas C. Linden D.C-Certified Decompression Therapist
"After having surgery five years ago for a bulging disc that was pinching my sciatic nerve, I didn't think that it would ever happen again, especially in the same location. In September of 2011, it did. I was experiencing the same unbearable pain. I had an MRI and they confirmed it. I had another bulging disc. I had asked the doctor what other option did I have, not wanting to have surgery again. After 3 cortisone shots, it still was not better. I searched the internet and found Linden Chiropractic Clinic and they had something called a Spinal Decompression Table. In April 2012, I sat down with Dr. Linden and he suggested a treatment program. The treatment was painless and I am very pleased with the results, and I am currently on their maintenance program!"
- Rhonda G.
8:00am - 6:00pm
By Appointment
8:00am - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Weight Loss by Appointment
Tuesday & Thursday
Linden Chiropractic Clinic
102 Minnesota Avenue SW
Willmar, MN 56201
(320) 231-2513